Content Tags can be used to automate your campaign reports with keywords, hashtags and more. This enables you and your team to set up rules ahead of time across one or more accounts.
Before you make a campaign report, make sure you have content tagged.ย
To learn how to create an automated Content Tag Rule, see this article.
To create a campaign with a Content Tag:
Log into Conviva Social Insights
Choose "Campaigns" from the menu
Click the "Add New Campaign" button in the upper right corner
4. Fill in the following fields:
Campaign Name
Brand Name
Contact Name
Budget- Optional
Start Date- Must Include
End Date - Must Include for automation (if you're setting up a campaign for the year, select a date in the future, you can always edit this later)
Accounts - start typing the name of the account(s) to add them, or choose the 'Allow Any Account' checkbox to automatically add any account in your agency that matches the Content Tag into the campaign
Content Tags - start typing the name of the tag and select it from the list
Hashtags- leave empty if using a Content Tag
5. Click "Create Campaign" to save your campaign.