TikTok FAQs
Q: How often should I be saving these files.
A: Ideally, Conviva recommends daily save of files to upload each day. However, at a minimum of 5 days.
Q: Can I upload a Xlsx. File into Conviva
A: No, currently Conviva only allows for import of the CSV files.
Q: Can I update data if my account has not had any posts?
A: Yes, you can import the Overview data to update Total Engagements, Total Video Views, and Account Followers.
Q: Is Historical data available for TikTok
A: No, we can only upload saved CSV files from when TikTok was available.
Q: Can I import the Overview from the 28 days CSV
A: Best Practice recommendation is to use the Last 7 Days Files. But the system does allow for import of the last 28 days.
Q: Can I import TikTok if I post in a different language?
A: Yes. TikTok post will display different languages, but you will need to export from an English Browser for the column header. In the URL make sure it is updated to "lang=en"