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Facebook Metrics Glossary

Facebook Metrics Glossary

Nick Cicero avatar
Written by Nick Cicero
Updated over a week ago

Activity: the number of times users took an action on your post, such as liking, commenting, sharing, responding to a poll, rsvp’ing to an event.

Activity Unique: the number of unique users who took an action on your post, such as liking, commenting, sharing, responding to a poll, rsvp’ing to an event.

Audience: The number of likes a page has 

Auto Play %: The percentage of total watch time initiated by Autoplay 

Average Minute Audience (AMA): The average number of concurrent individuals viewing a Facebook Live broadcast, which is expressed per minute over the entire program duration. 

Average Views/Video: Total Video Views / Total Videos. Those video views being the 3+ sec views, and total videos views being a count of all videos. 

Average Watch Time: The average watch time per user for that video/account/campaign/tag 

Click to Play %: The percentage of total watch time initiated by Click-to-Play 

Comments: Total comments on that post 

Completion %: Total Views / Completions 

Engagement Rate: total engagements on the post divided by the total likes on the account, expressed as a percentage. 

Engagements: The total number of likes, reactions, comments and shares on a post, including on any shares of that post

Engagements / Sec: A velocity metric that measures the number of engagements per second (comments, shares, and reactions) over the length of an entire Facebook Live broadcast 

Engagements (including Post Clicks):  the total number of likes, reactions, comments, shares and post clicks on a post            

Impressions (Total): The total (paid and organic) number of times a post from your Page is displayed. People may see multiple impressions of the same post. 

Impressions (Organic): The total number of organic times a post from your Page is displayed. People may see multiple impressions of the same post. 

Impressions (Paid): The total number of paid times a post from your Page is displayed. People may see multiple impressions of the same post. 

Likes: Total Likes on that post 

Link Clicks: The number of times a user has clicked on a link in your post 

Post Clicks: The number of times a user has clicked on your post (includes link clicks)

Live Views: The number of views on a Facebook Live video that happened while the video was live only 

Minutes Viewed: The total minutes consumed for that video/account/campaign/tag

Minutes Published: The total minutes of video published by the account selected  

Minutes Consumed Female: The total number of minutes consumed by female viewers only

Minutes Consumed Age Range: The total number of minutes consumed by a specific age range  only     

Minutes Consumed by Location:   The total number of minutes viewed by a specific location only  : These metrics can also be returned at the tag/campaign level (with Tagging enabled

Organic Video Views (total): The total number of times a video has been viewed for atleast 3 seconds (Organic) 

Paid Video Views (total): The total number of times a video has been viewed for at least 3 seconds (Paid) 

Peak Concurrent Viewers: The highest number of viewers who were watching the video while it was live. 

Posts Made: Total Number of Videos (Live and VOD), Photos, Posts, Status Updates and Links published within the timeframe selected 

Reach (Total): The number of unique people who saw your post

Reactions: "love," "haha," "yay,""wow," "sad" and "anger." 

Reactions by Type Total Likes:     Total “like” reactions of a post. It includes “like” reactions on post & on shares               

Reactions by Type Total Love:    Total “love” reactions of a post. It includes “love” reactions on post & on shares  

Reactions by Type Total Wow:    Total “wow” reactions of a post. It includes “wow” reactions on post & on shares  

Reactions by Type Total Haha:    Total “haha” reactions of a post. It includes “haha” reactions on post & on shares  

Reactions by Type Total Sorry:    Total “sorry” reactions of a post. It includes “sorry” reactions on post & on shares  

Reactions by Type Total Anger:   Total “anger” reactions of a post. It includes “anger” reactions on post & on shares 

Total Link Clicks: Total number of times a user has clicked on a link in your posts published during that time period.

Total Reactions:   Total reactions on a post. It includes reactions on post & on shares          
Total Comments:  Total comments on a post. It includes comments on post & on shares      

Total Shares:   Total shares of a post. It includes shares of post & shares

Total Minutes Streamed: Sum of all Video lengths created during the time period

Total Minutes Consumed: Sum of all minutes consumed during the time period

Shares: Total Number of Shares on that post (or a sum for the campaign) 

Sound Off %: The percentage of total watch time consumed with the Sound Off 

Sound On %: The percentage of total watch time consumed with the Sound On 

Video Length: The length of the video in HH:MM:SS 

Video Viewers by Location: The total watch time in seconds based on City 

Viewer Conversion Rate (VCR): The percentage of served impressions of a video that resulted in a view, 3-Second Views / Impressions *100 

Views (3s): The total number of times a video has been viewed for at least 3 seconds 

Views (10s): The total number of times that a video has been viewed for a minimum of 10 seconds or 95% complete of a video less than 10 seconds 

Views (30s): The total number of times that a video has been viewed for a minimum of 30 seconds or 95% complete of a video less than 30 seconds 

Views (Complete): The total number of times that a video has been viewed for a minimum from beginning to 95% completion 

Views (Repeat): The number of times a video has been viewed by a unique viewer more than once

Views (Unique): The number of people who viewed that video for at least 3-seconds, the number of times a video has been viewed by a unique viewer once

Total Video Metrics

These metrics can be found by selecting "Page by All" filter next to the date selection range under Facebook in the Analytics section.

Benchmark Metrics
Video Views
Unique Viewers
Average Watch Time
New Fans Added
Average Video Views / Day
Daily Active Unique Viewers
Total Minutes Consumed
Total Engagements

Date Posted
Video ID
Video Title
Post Message
Lifetime Video Total Impressions
Lifetime Total 3 Second Video Views
Lifetime Total 10-Second Views
Lifetime Total Video Watches at 95%
Lifetime Organic Video Views
Lifetime Paid Video Views
Lifetime Unique Video Views
Lifetime Repeat Video Views
Lifetime Reach (Unique Video impressions)
Lifetime Total Video Average Watch Time
Lifetime Total Video View Time (minutes)
Page Owned Views
Shared Views
Crossposted Views
Page Owned Viewtime (in MS)
Shared Viewtime (in MS)
Top Gender by Seconds Viewed
Top Age Range by Seconds Viewed
Top City by Seconds Viewed
Completion Rate
View-Conversion (Video Views / Video Impressions)
Total Engagements
Engagement Rate
Video-Share Rate
Post IDs that Reused the Video

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